Official Benelux representative for top-quality supplements Dr. Vet

The Dr VET group has more than 30 years’ experience in veterinary medicine, as well as in breeding excellent show animals, grooming and professional care.
Also FCI judges at national and international shows, their professions as veterinarians and nutritionists are directly linked to the care and health of our animals.
It’s also 20 years’ experience in animal feed manufacturing.
During all these years devoted to their passion and love of animals, they have been able to develop a whole range of high-quality food supplements for the beauty and health of pets, tested worldwide.
Always striving for excellence, they study the most suitable combinations of products to obtain the best performance, scrupulously monitoring the results obtained.
Testimonial from a Belgian breeder: "I give Dr. Vet Mobilityvet tablets to my dog... I see an improvement in her movements, she's running again and playing with her ball. Thank you Dr. Vet ! "

Client testimonial (dixit google): "After 1 1/2 months, I find that my 14-year-old dog is back in shape and able to go for longer walks again."